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Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Essentials
Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Solutions High Availability is attainable for business of any size.
We make it easy to redirect visitors and clients from one location to another. As more and more enterprises, their clients and end-users classify applications as “mission-critical”, the financial risks associated with system downtime continue to escalate. In May 2013, the Aberdeen Group performed a comprehensive survey and found that the average cost per hour of downtime was more than $163,000 US dollars*. With profit margins and brand reputations on the line, small businesses and large enterprises alike must recognize the importance of ensuring a Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity plan for all critical applications.
Before deciding how to implement your disaster recovery or business continuity plan, you should first determine what systems or applications require high availability. We highly recommend creating a comprehensive list of systems and categorizing each accordingly. You should then determine what level of availability each category deserves, because the higher the availability, the higher the cost. For example, public facing websites might have a higher priority than email servers, or a CRM. Consider all systems carefully.
Components of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity solutions There are many components to every DR/BC implementation, and of course to every successful high availability solution. You must have redundant infrastructure in an alternate location such as servers, storage and network infrastructure, you must replicate data in anticipation of an outage to ensure synchronization, and when disaster strikes, you must be prepared to redirect traffic from the primary site to the alternate site seamlessly for your users. A true disaster recovery or business continuity solution requires implementation on various levels. IHSYSTEM helps complete the picture with solutions that can redirect & reroute traffic with setup primary & alternate site based on client requiremnets & locations. Key Solutions: From SMB to Fortune 100, we fit every need and budget At IHSYSTEM, our expertise is at the setup cluster servers, load balanced environment, network & traffic routing level – the outermost layer where clients or users connect and must be diverted from a primary site to the disaster recovery site or other location during an outage. There are two critical solutions we offer that should be essential components to your DR/BC plan.
Our End-2-End Solution
a.) Setup Primary Site in a Datacenter
b.) Setup Secondary Site in an alternate Datacenter
c.) Real-time Replication between Cloud, Dedicated or VPS : Pricing Starts from $ 64.00/device.
c.) DNS Based Load Balancing Pricing: $ 35.00/domain (IP) and
d.) Cloud Based Loadbalancing Pricing $ 35.00/domain(IP) .
Contact IH system forall your disaster recover, backup solutions. IHsystem consulting services will provide your organization backup & disaster recovery ion-site and remote sites.
Set & Define Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO)