IH Systems Inc. / Exodus.Cloud


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Server & Cloud Migration and Failover & Failback Strategy

Moving to the cloud offers a laundry list of benefits and advantages. But you need a strategy for realizing them. Otherwise you’ll end up in the “cloud-washing” trap we see so many companies fall into, where physical infrastructure is dumped into a virtual environment with no considerations for best practices.

our cloud migration approach should account for three things:

  1. Your ROI goals
  2. The assets you’re moving to the cloud and their individual requirements
  3. How much support your cloud partner can provide

The best cloud migration process is always personal. The individual challenges and requirements of your business should be the only thing shaping your cloud migration strategy — not whatever cloud migration services IBM, HP, AWS, Google or Azure happen to be selling. You’d rightly raise your eyebrows at a one-size-fits-all marketing plan or financial model. And that same healthy skepticism also applies to a one-size-fits-all cloud migration strategy.

Why your cloud migration checklist should be completely unique

All companies start assessing a potential cloud migration with a similar set of questions.

  • Will it be more cost effective?
  • Is it more reliable?
  • Is it easier?
  • Does it scale more efficiently?
  • Will I get my IT resources back when it’s finished?

All of these smaller questions add up to one big question: Is the business case of a cloud migration strong enough to outweigh the hassle?

We have experience and cases to show just one way it can be. But the truth is that the answers to these questions vary. To find the honest answers for your business, you first need a strategy for how you’re going to move to the cloud.

At ServerCentral, we offer counterintuitive advice at the start of all cloud discussions — forget about the technologies. The truth is that the key to a cloud project's success lies in the operational details. The public, private and hybrid cloud solutions are abundant. The most complex and important part is understanding your business, its risks and its opportunities.

Failover and failback

Replication is your safety net. If a production VM goes down, you can immediately fail over to a VM replica, giving users access to the services and applications they need with minimum disruption while you resolve the issue. We make replication easy so that you can improve your disaster recovery (DR) plan and avoid data loss.

  • Restore normal operations while your replica is running by failing back to the production VM, to a new location, or just making the replica VM your new production VM. Maintain multiple replica restore points, so if your latest replica is corrupt, rolling back to a previous restore point is available as an option.
  • Plan your entire failover in advance, and start it with a single click using our new Failover Plans. Add VMs from replicas, move them up or down to get a boot order and set a delay for each VM so that they don’t start before a previous one starts up. Simple!
  • Facilitate data center migrations or perform maintenance on your production hosts with our new Planned Failover feature. Planned Failover shuts down the source VM, replicates any changes to the target VM and starts the VM—all with no data loss and little downtime.


Contact IHSystem as your I/T partner and we will provide best solution for your company cloud strategy or setup a private or public cloud either in our datacenter in Schaumburg IL just 15 minutes from Ohare (Chicago) airport or on AWS or on Azure including backup & Disaster Recovery strategy.

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